How to Sell by Tyler Bosmeny (Founder, Clever)

How to Sell Your Product: Peter Thiel’s Advice for Startups

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Building a repeatable sales process

Mohit spent the most time on how do you build a repeatable, scientific sales process? This was all about taking a prospect through the end-to-end sales process:

Qualification—>Demo/ Discovery call—>Opportunity Management—>Closing—>Post close

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Don't Build A Startup, Build A Business Instead

“Basically, it means focusing on an important narrow/small user group (e.g. Facebook started with Harvard students), going there and doing the talking and pushing yourself, recruiting new users/finding customers yourself. You can't have unlimited versions of you doing all these.

Instead of marketing from in front of a screen, hit the streets.

Often, your users, with whom drinking coffee now and then, will tell what works, what doesn't in product/service, and you will also know whether you are better off modifying the product and address another market (they call it 'pivoting'). In any case, you got to get out, boss.

Just launch and start selling. Get to your target users. Think like a small business.”

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